
by Roger Davis 198

Travel & Local


Taxi APP for Clacton, Walton , St Osyth , Brightlingsea, surrounding areas.

Taxi APP for Clacton, Walton , St Osyth , Brightlingsea, Gt Bentley,Little Clacton, Gt Clacton, Point Clear, Weely, Tendring and surrounding areas. We run only Licensed Taxis with Satellite Tracking Via the Taxi APP available in goggle play store for free.We run only Licensed Taxis with Satellite Tracking Via the Taxi APP available in goggle play store for free. More Taxi areas across the UK soon. Where ever you travel in the UK your only be a few Minutes away from that local UK TAXI Licensed Driver with your ride tracked from one end to the other including Name, Licence, time all emailed to your app and email account, If more than one Taxi is available they will all be shown in the app so you can pick the Taxi that is best for you. More Taxi areas across the UK soon.If you are a Licensed taxi and would like to join the Taxi APP you can join via the app and we will contact you regarding your UK TAXI License details before adding your details live on the APP system. for a limited period its free to Join and use so what have you got to loose.The Future is in your Customers Mobile Device.New Bug Fixes